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Community Team
Carl Rogers
Chad Hunter
Community Design Lab
Iowa State University
Brad Riphagen, Trees Forever
Lance Brisbois
Gary Funkhouser
Alora Nowlin
Tyler Pollock
Allison Green
Brendan Mass
Terry Bahl
Shelly Bailey
Alex Lowe
Kelly Groskurth
Doug Wehring
Tom Lewis
Lisa White
John Klein
Project Reports
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Community Report
Treynor (population 950) is located along Highway 92 within commuting distance of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Many residents work in the cities, but love raising their families in Treynor’s small-town atmosphere. Traffic flow through town is problematic because Highway 92 is the only east-west road through town and Eyeberg Street is the only through north-south road.
Community Assessments
Focus-group participants revealed that residents take pride in East Park with its updated lighting and shaded play place. Although an important throughway in town, Highway 92 is perceived as a barrier because of heavy traffic. Congestion at school dropoff and pickup times exacerbates the problem. The lack of continuous sidewalks, heavy traffic on Highway 92, and few crosswalks create difficulty walking and biking throughout town.
Residents desire a safe and accessible trail and sidewalk system!
Planning and Design Summary
Based on the assessments and the Treynor visioning committee’s identified goals, the design team proposed the following projects:
- Highway 92 Reconfiguration — Implement bump-outs and extend the curb along the wide shoulders currently utilized for on-street parking to reduce the perception of the roadway from a wide open four-lane highway to a slower two-lane community scale street.
- “The Four Corners” — Incorporate pedestrian-scale streetlights, banners, and landscape updates to establish an identity for the downtown district.
- Green Infrastructure — Incorporate bioswales, rain gardens, and permeable pavement into the streetscape. Where current stormwater inlets exist, add bump-outs formed to direct stormwater from the roadway to the existing drain.
- Sidewalk Updates — Replace and install sidewalks in three phases, starting with locations identified by residents; and add crosswalks along Highway 92.
Transportation Assets and Barriers in Treynor
Check out the preliminary results of the transportation assets and barriers workshop held on March 30.