Design Team
StoryMap of Your Community
Click on the link to explore Tama through a series of maps that illustrate the history and characteristics of the landscape, including topography, elevation, watersheds, vegetation, and circulation.
Community AtlasPublic Input
Check out ISU's analysis of the focus groups, random-sample survey, and Hispanic residents interview conducted in Tama!
Public InputFind Us on Social Media
Community Team
Patty Reisinger, Trees Forever
Steering Committee
Dave Cantonwine
Sue Harrington
Jennifer Perez
Warren & Shelly Riley
Lori Baier
Sierra Berger
Jonathan Meyer
Max Schirmer
Aubrey Rhinehart
Daniel Rodriguez-Rivera
Matthew Beatty
Shayna Zmolek
Mike Carnahan
Laura Galvez
Karen Mixdorf
Jerimi Kopsa
Project Reports
Bioregional Assessment
Design Boards
Feasibility Report
Interview with Hispanic Residents
Transportation Assets and Barriers Assessment
Transportation Behaviors and Needs