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Community Team

Design Team

Craig Ritland, RITLAND+KUIPER Landscape Architects

Samantha Price, RITLAND+KUIPER Landscape Architects

Jerry Philbin, Design Intern

Field Coordinator

Patty Reisinger, Trees Forever

Plymouth Team Members

Neal Brennan

Shelly Dirksen

Lori Ginapp Meecham

Pennie Wyborny

Dan Barnes

Jon Vrieze

Cecil Kuhlers

Jody Vrieze

Kelli Gerdes

Jay Stump

Tracey Stump

Craig Howard

Gary Clark

John Kline

Kelly Kline

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Project Reports

Upcoming Events

There are no scheduled events at this time.


Seeking Residents to serve on the Plymouth School Bus Stop Shelter Planning Team

We are looking for interested residents to help in the design and development of a School Bus Stop Shelter in Plymouth.  The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health received an Iowa Arts Build Communities Grant for $10,000 to help with the construction costs.  But we need your help and input to determine the design, location, and construction.  Please respond to this Doodle Poll link to note your availability to meet so we can get our first meeting scheduled!


Plymouth Community Visioning Projects – VOTE NOW!

The Plymouth Visioning Team is in the process of prioritizing the Community Visioning Projects for implementation around town.  But we want your input!  What projects do you want the community to tackle first?



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