Design Team
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Community Team
Field Coordinator
Jeff Jensen, Trees Forever
Steering Committee
Rebecca Castle
Barb McGee
Charlene Elyea
Cherie Winterboer
Carolyn Roberts
Judy Bang
Denise Riley
Gloria Terrell
Deb Collingwood
Greg Johnson
Project Reports
Bioregional Assessments
Feasibility Report
TAB Recruiting Documents
Transportation Assets and Barriers
Upcoming Events
There are no scheduled events at this time.
Summary of Transportation Assets and Barriers in Peterson
Check out the preliminary results from the Transportation Assets and Barriers workshop held on March 10.
Community Visioning Kick-Off
Peterson is ready for Community Visioning!
November 9th, 2017 was the kick-off for the Iowa’s Living Roadways Community Visioning Program through Trees Forever and Iowa State University. Peterson will be participating in the program for 2018. Pictured is Glacial Trail Scenic Byway Coordinator Rebecca Castle with Iowa State Interns.